Calming Blends
Cranky Pants
Children get cranky. They have long days in school and become over-tired. Sometimes they wake up cranky! A blend of Wild Orange and Balance can help calm the kids and keep them grounded.
Roll over the soles of feet, back of neck, down the spine and on the wrists.
A Little Anxious
We all go through times when we feel a little anxious. It's normal. And it's natural for our children to feel anxious or overwhelmed at times too. This blend of Lavender and Wild Orange can help calm them, and lift their spirits.
Roll over the soles of feet, back of neck, down the spine, over the sternum and on the wrists.
Tantrum Tamer
There are days, as we all know, when our child melts down. You can cuddle them, and try to calm them down - but it doesn't always help. You can use Tantrum Tamer, a calming blend of Lavender, Wild Orange and Copaiba.
Roll over the soles of feet, back of neck, down the spine.
Peaceful Child
Over-excited children sometimes need to be calmed down! This is a blend of Lavender, Vetiver, Frankincense, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram and Clary Sage. Together, these oils can help calm and soothe, while helping to keep spirits uplifted.